World Bee Day Australia is here!

#worldbeedayaustralia is today  – Sunday 20 May 2018. 

Our Bee and Butterfly mix is on sale this week so buy now to support your local pollinators! 

World Bee Day was declared by the UN General Assembly in December last year to raise awareness of the importance of bees and apicultural products.

“We believe it will play an important role in protecting bees and the beekeeping sector, in contributing to poverty alleviation and hunger eradication as well as preserving a healthy environment and its biodiversity.” 

I hope this is only the beginning of a much bigger effort to help raise awareness about the importance of supporting our bee population and particularly native Australian bees. 

I was lucky enough to learn about how amazing these little beauties are by a great Melbourne local, Benedict or “B”, the Beekepeer. He has heaps of great resources and is doing an amazing job of teaching kids and adults about the importance of bees and how to keep and care for bees. If you’re in Melbourne, head along to one of his workshops or read more here.

By Rachel.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Pollinators are so vital to the health of the environment. It’s great to see a company focused on promoting gardening in a fun and environmentally friendly way!

  2. Thanks Jacob, I completely agree!

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